Radical Visions Podcast: Episode 3

Radical Visions in Madrid!

We've just spent a few days at the Global AIREA event in Madrid, Spain https://inclusionyapoyoaprocor.org/agencia-de-transformacion-social/. In this episode you'll hear from 13 of the people we met and hear voices from all over the world – here is more info about each.

Fionn and Jonathan Angus are a son and father team (or a father and son team, it depends on which of them you ask!) planning to change the world. They go on adventures together, share those adventures and figure out how to live a good life together. They want to help anyone who wants a bit of help to figure out their own good life. And they do this because we believe everybody should have a great life. They are the only “Fionnathan” on the world wide web!
Website: www.fionnathan.com (explore website for social networks)
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/fionn-and-jonathan-angus-0612597b

Sandra Fietkau is a facilitator for Person-Centred Planning and a Professor of Inclusive Education and "Heilpaedagogic" at the Protestant University of Applied Sciences in Ludwigsburg, Germany, promoting inclusive education in all walks of life outside of school. Her big personal interest is in creating communities that work for everybody and creating connections, bringing people together.
Personal Website: www.sandra-fietkau.de
Other Websites:
Protestant University of Applied Sciences in Ludwigsburg - www.eh-ludwigsburg.de/en
German speaking Person-Centred Network: www.persoenliche-zukunftsplanung.eu
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/sandra-fietkau-897909a

Jack Pearpoint is from Toronto, Canada and founded Inclusion Press “decades ago!” because there were stories that needed to be told and training that needed to be delivered and the system wasn't interested. He now runs this alongside his wife, Lynda Kahn. They continue to offer ideas that matter, periodic conversations virtually on zoom and offer PATH and MAPS training courses. Their website includes more than 50 books including many free downloads, great articles and a lot of history to explore. They felt that the Global AIREA was like a window into the future, because at AIREA there were no siloes, just people supporting each other and felt that that was quite remarkable.
Website: www.inclusion.com (explore website for social networks)
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/jack-pearpoint-205483b and www.linkedin.com/in/lynda-kahn-22990b6

Patti Scott is from New Jersey in the United States. She started and leads Neighbours Inc, supporting people to live life in the community via a focus on relationships and creating good communities where people live. She says “everyone we work for has their own life, living it the way they want to, in control of it, in charge of it, in their own home with their own job, doing their own thing and making stuff happen in their community.” They also do education around other parts of the United States, Canada, Europe and in other parts of the world about their community and support work. The first season of their podcast: ‘Recreating Us’ will be available in September.
Websites: www.neighbours-inc.com and www.neighbours-international.com
Podcast: youtube.com/@NeighboursInternational

LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/patti-scott-49363657

Belén Martinez was born in Bilbao, but now lives in Madrid. After working for over 20 years supporting people with intellectual disabilities in an organisation in Madrid she decided it was time to try to invest time and study and put interest and energy in community. So with some partners she established an organisation called Aula Escalena. They do training, reflection and action processes in organisations, schools, housing services and teams to achieve all things innovation in community. There’s always something new going on, which can be exhausting but most of the time gives her a lot of energy!
Website: www.aulaescalena.com
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/belenmartinezfernandez

Beth Gallagher is the founder, owner and CEO of Life Works in San Diego, California. They provide Supported Living services for individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities (IDD). Their support is customized and individualized. She does her job because it needs to be done, and she says “it's really, it's amazing work and we connect with all of the people within our agency, not just the people that we support but the people that are working alongside of us. So we believe in connecting with every single person. Everybody needs support, not just people that have been labelled.”
Website: www.lifeworks-sls.com

Céline Müller lives outside of Hamburg and works for a large service provider (Leben mit Behinderung Hamburg) supporting people with disabilities. She is in charge of establishing Person-Centred Planning and Person-Centred Thinking and working in the organisation, working with employees on how to put in the practical work. She does the job to change things as she sees that the way that services have been traditionally offered did not allow people to live independent lives. She believes the vehicle for achieving this is Person-Centred acting, working, thinking and the attitude behind it.
Website: www.lmbhh.de
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/c%C3%A9line-m%C3%BCller-55538bb7

Gerti Lecher comes from Austria and works for an organisation that supports people with disabilities (Balance). She came into the field through a series of coincidences but is still working there because she sees and feels that change is possible (although the work is exhausting!)
Website: www.balance.at

Markus Vähälä comes from Finland. He is the CEO of Citizen Network Co-operative which is registered in Finland but is a Cooperative of organisations coming from New Zealand, Australia, India, Finland, Spain, Ireland, UK and United States. Citizen Network is a platform to make change happen in inclusion, democracy, protecting the environment, building resilient communities of care everywhere. Markus says “We are all citizens and the future solution should be citizens eyes in the authentic communities that you care about, but we need skills and we need platforms and we need meeting places and spaces for us to work together because we can do it, together.” He invites anyone who is interested to join Citizen Network for free – “join over 280 organisations and over 7,000 people in more than 51 countries all over the world. Let's do it together and create a world where everyone matters.”
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/markusvahala
Website: www.citizen-network.org

Clare Tarling is from Dorset in the South of England. She is a freelance designer of accessible or easy read information. She creates audio, works with universities and museums and local authorities to make their information as accessible as possible, and at the moment is doing a project with Sheffield University about Individual Service Funds, involving people with learning disabilities in that research. Her job is to be the communication bridge between the academics and the people with learning disabilities.
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/clare-tarling-80a77530
Website: www.claretarling.co.uk

Juultje Holla, is from the Netherlands. She works with disabilities to find how we can organise their best lives and says it's obviously up to them what that means. She does this because she thinks it's important that everybody gets a chance to contribute to their community and to make friends and meet people according to our passions and interests. She is in the process of setting up an organisation called Gewoon Leven which means “a normal life” but it also means “I want to live instead of just existing.
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/juulholla
Website: www.stichtinggewoonleven.nl

Listen on Spotify: wym-1713949159499 

Watch on YouTube: wym-1713914176373